
HTMLBuilder.jl: Building HTML the Julia way

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HTMLBuilder.jl is a package for handling HTML in idiomatic Julia. Currently, it can:

  • Generate HTML code.
  • Parse HTML code.
  • Build a site with multiple pages.

All the HTML elements are treated as Julia structs, so you can easily generate HTML programmatically. For instance, we can list the first N Fibonacci numbers. First we import HTMLBuilder.jl and define the Fibonacci function, as well as N=5:

julia> using HTMLBuilder
julia> Fibonacci(n::Int) = (n <= 2) ? (1) : (Fibonacci(n - 1) + Fibonacci(n - 2));
julia> N = 5;

Then, we can construct the list by nesting HTML elements and using a for loop:

julia> body(
         h1("The Fibonacci numbers"),
         p("Here are the first $N Fibonacci numbers:"),
         ul([li(string(Fibonacci(n))) for n ∈ 1:N]),
  <h1>The Fibonacci numbers</h1>
  <p>Here are the first 5 Fibonacci numbers:</p>

HTMLBuilder.jl can be used to build and manage a complex site through the @build_site macro. The example directory contains a site directory populated with Julia code. The @build_site macro parses these files and generates dist, a complete HTML site. For more details, see the documentation.

Bug reports, feature requests, and contributions

Please see the contribution guidelines.